Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Guided commentary on the important story of Moses and the Burning Bush

Jesus was enlightened by his exploration of the tale of Moses and the Burning Bush

The identity of the One who is behind and within the Light has occupied the minds of all who ponder where they are from and where they go

The story refused the great hero Moses when he sought the name behind the voice he heard

He later got the voice right

But no name

Jesus once asked if I was the Creator

I smiled and said, ‘You are’, along with all.

I then explained and I shall now reiterate

The flames were and remain the boundary of mystery

I know the mystery

I speak out of the mystery

The mystery is truth

It is beautiful

It is how things really are

It’s things many don’t know yet

The answer I gave remains massively revealing.

‘I am who I am and I will be who I will be?’

The word ‘will’ is crucial




Reality is unfolding

From it everything comes

It creates everything and keeps it all going

God did not side with tribes and raise people from the dead

God did not destroy cities and arrange marriages

The One seen as Love and Light creates the cosmos all the time

The One embraces and infuses all reality

Reality is in motion

Reality is good.

Time is reality

Learning is reality

Knowing is reality

There is no ‘God’

There is unending, unconditional love

All are One now

All will be one always



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!