Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Aesthetics is the final step in our Triad

Reality — your heart’s concern

Ethics — Tolerance, Helping, Democracy

Aesthetics — Truth and Beauty — unified


When we have an issue to consider

We run this triad through within our minds

Invention is now fine-tuned by Aesthetics

We gain an always a peaceful wrapping up


Everything has this triadic ending

It passes through these stages on its way

Reality confirms its Soulful origin

Ethics gives a challenge to surmount

Aesthetics is our thinking’s peaceful purpose


Triadic pedagogy of the Earth

Schooling would be much more liberating

If this Triad was standard everywhere

Otherwise we face the same old same old

Thought that leads to ways of hurt and harm


Reality Ethics Aesthetics

A people’s way to progress when heeded

Aesthetics as the home of truth and beauty

Aesthetics as the basis for nonviolence

And wider, reasoned, caring, loving thought


Reality, Ethics, Aesthetics is Triadic Philosophy

It gives birth to an age of human progress

Where all can start to be all we can be



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!