
After the Maker’s Image

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2015


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Charles Sanders Peirce is the best friend of the godly. Yes, all the religionists who foolishly believe their texts are divinely sanctioned or that they are treading on very shaky ground logic-wise, can be thankful that the best mind since Aristotle realized the primacy of metaphysics and at the same time the necessity of basing metaphysical premises on a firm scientific foundation.

Triadic Philosophy is driven by an awareness of the power such understanding brings. But it has also been driven by the simple fact that one can make no future sense of such things as truth, beauty and goodness unless we show they are ontological elements of the reality of which we are a part.

In short, we need to show that we are indeed made, following Peirce in the note below, after our Maker’s image.

What this means is a world, a reality, that is becoming ever-more rational, reasonable, logical.

Have you ever surmised that the hysterical level of today’s life may well be the death-throes of the binary world. The world will wake up to the triad. Reality. Ethics. Aesthetics. When that is done all things become possible. In a binary world, such optimism is verboten.

Peirce: CP 2.34 Cross-Ref:††

34. These tendencies are irrepressible: in the long run they will cause that which they need to come into being. But much more than that, they are thoroughly reasonable; and that which they call for ought to be. Now that which they demand above all is the fact and the admission that the world is reasonable — reasonably susceptible to becoming reasonable, for that is what it is, and all that it is, to be reasonable †2 — or in other words, that man is made after his maker’s image.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!