All sex is driven by an urge

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2016


All sex is driven

by an urge

perhaps more primal

than the need to eat or sleep

I feel guilt for anything that hurts

or harms and know I cannot ever

know what evils I have done

as words are as much weapons

as our parts

All sex is driven by an urge

distributing it’s hard

Let’s say it has no gender

but when evil is involved

men take more cake than not

Of course when force is obvious

and there is no consent

the door is shut

the damage done

But there is so much

of implicit in it all

when with no words to speak of

deeds get done

and damage can ensue when

there’s “consent”

Confusion too

regarding what was meant

Therefore err on the side

of not holding your tongue

Even at the cost

of breaking mood

Regard inebriated states

as red flags

Up a caution flag

Ward off

lasting harm to body

and to mind

regardless how inflicted

then or after.

Yes I say

all sex is best spoken

The less implied the less we are.

That said

I am a most Platonic man

As boy

the girls were always my best friends

They do not hit

At least they did not then

And because they live longer

some are still my closest friends

The only thing I know applies to all

Freedom rules the best in anyone

When we cannot decide or refuse to

then evil urges

and not sex alone

may surge

I’ll add my chart of values

not being proud

In this world

chosen good

should be




Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!