Go Figure


Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2019


For reasons unclear to me after reading their guidelines, Amazon refused to publish the following review. I think the book is just as I suggest. Details below.

from Stephen C. Rose on July 14, 2019


What I liked: This is one of the most plausible and original takes on the spiritual implications of quantum theory that I have seen. It is the theory of quantum bundles as a basis for the universality of connection in the cosmos and an explanation for who we really are and how we truly function.
This is also a book that could easily become a good blockbuster film. It is more fascinating than most blockbusters and it might be characterized as Frank Capra with a Lucas edge.
I also liked the fact that the author is a New Yorker whose skepticism regarding all he encounters is frequently expressed in scatological terms.
All told I feel the book is worth reading, attending to, and discussing.
What I do not like is perhaps something that is part of the story itself. It is a loose end. The book appears to be self-published rather than to have a trade publisher. There are some signs of this which are minor and do not detract from the remarkably clear narrative. Mainly some looseness in the use of quotation marks.
If this book has no trade publisher, that to me creates a question. Weiss has written a better book by far than many near death and afterlife texts. Is its idea too much for a major media push. I think not. The quantum bundle idea is exactly what the book says it is — a world changing idea.
The notion that we do not reincarnate but that memory somehow is omniscient and lodged in every living thing — that quantum bundle — is a premise worthy of H. G. Wells.
I hope at some point to hear from the author. Maybe a followup. Surely there is more. And I hope that this book has a second edition with a few revisions that could make it the blockbuster it actually is.

The Afterlife is to Die For: Amazing Possibilities Await Us All Kindle Edition

by John S Weiss (Author)

If you have Kindle Unlimited you are in luck



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!