An Alternate Science

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Walter Russell was of his time and perhaps of all time too.

One never can tell what the future brings.

I only know that science is not science

when it assumes it has the gospel truth

or any other truth it claims is fixed.

Science should confine itself to what it believes

to be true at any time.

Science is not something you topple.

It is something you practice.

Like medicine, or darts, or horseback-riding.

Walter Russell was an ulto-math.

Ignored now for the most part just like God.

Even I have given God new names

but I have not assumed there is no Mind

no Light, no One

for these words march forward

in the wake of religions decomposition.

Religion will rise as spirituality

and be joined by the next generation of scientists.

The world is being reborn

just as Walter wanted and expected.

Binary thinking wants winners.

There are none when it comes to here.

There will not even be leaders any more.

Just us and those whom we can see without driving anywhere.

We shall all form the new making of the world where we happen to be.

And Walter will be heard and not dismissed..



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!