Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Apports are objects we can touch

That were not there before

Suggesting that there may be much

That supplements our core


Apports are inexplicable

Without a hidden transport

But they are very visible

Like sailboats in a port


Apports may carry messages

These may be personal

Clearly trans-dimensional

What stories can they tell


A coin that repeats its ID

A feather that speaks volumes

Perhaps a sign or guarantee

That needs to be in our rooms


The language of apports is ours

They all communicate

The placement may be obvious

They may be friendly bait


Apports suggest a “carry to”

Port one place to another

A sign or message carried through

Could be a long-lost brother


Some mediums receive apports

While plumbing Spirit places

Or then we ordinary sorts

May come upon some traces


Meditation could well be

A goodly source of apports

We ply these endless realms for free

Without a need for cohorts


A book that wasn’t on the shelves

A string of synchronicities

Who knows. Perhaps a brace of elves

Who knows what wandering achieves


Deep emotions clear intent

Plumbing oceans far and wide

Who knows what may soon be sent

All tangible inside


Apports suggest a Spirit source

A realm of loving senders

Who master forms of gentle force

And then become co-blenders



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!