Because His Hands would blind us

Fox Kerry
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2016

I cleaned the world with all my wit

I taped its wounds and mends

but the stubborn weeds would have none of it

and the tree lines forever they bend

I caulked the floors of ancient seas

I loosed the fiery dragons

I showed the camels their ugly knees

I brought food by many wagons

I bent to put the weight of my toe

on a desert where flowers sprouted

I swam the channels where dolphins go

and the sailors they only pouted

I stirred up the waters

and they thought of their boats

I caused bread to fall down from heaven

I blessed them with daughters

and traded for their goats

But their hands with me were uneven

Sometimes I crushed an era or two

in hopes that a fresh start might win them

But all that I got was a thorn in my shoe

and a trickle by trickle built kingdom

How are you slow? they’d ask Me at night

How is the size of you thwarted?

and I chuckle replied at the thought of their fright

if to them all of Me I escorted

For I am the Storm that showered out planets

though I feed little lambs and small doves

My fists are of light and my fingers are granite

the only Me they can bear are my gloves.



Fox Kerry
Everything Comes

If you paint for me even one thing which is true, perhaps I’ll be tempted to consider two. I tell tales poetically, someone else needs to set them to music.