Jess Kaisk
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2016



‘Common humble bee’, from The Naturalist’s Library, vol. 38 Entomology, edited by William Jardine

There are hundreds of them

Those busy bees

Buzzing around from each tall

Sun kissed flower

their tiny wings moving

Their tiny little bodies

They remind me of you

And how hard you work

Hunched over that too small

Desk hidden in the back room

And I


A sad smile thinking of

How beautiful the sound of

Nothing is

Here in this field full of

Sunlight and dreams

Floating on these clouds

I want to be like these bees

I want to work diligently with


Building these dreams into

Tangible things that last like

This tree, so tall and proud

It’s vibrations of peace and patience

Pour through my body as I lean against it

Like I did on you

And your strong shoulders that

Take on too much that

Lift so much that

Move mountains in front of

You and your goals and your dreams

And you’re

Just so strong and I’m just so



Weightless like this breeze

Caressing and cajoling these leaves

Into song and movement and

Accompanying the song of the birds

That are hop


Hopping through the

Clover filled paths that turn corners

Like a maze in my heart I cannot

Get out of

