
Heath ዟ
Everything Comes
Published in
1 min readJul 24, 2016


This is the time we’ve got,
this time between,
this dip in a grand plan
that doesn’t include us.
It’s not much,
but it’s ours for a little while.

This intense time
between someone else’s down slope
and the ghost of chance
that one day, some day, maybe,
I could be important enough
for your grand plan.

I’m caught between these smiles
and being unable to breathe
at the strangest times,
randomly remembering
this beautiful walk with you
already has an end.

There’s a weight on my heart
for that day not far off
when we’ll say goodbye
because I didn’t fit then
and I won’t fit come when,
I’m only the person in between.

Sweetheart, what happens
after the between,
when you’ve given me up
looking for your missing pieces,
only to realize too late
that I’m one of those pieces?



Heath ዟ
Everything Comes

Destroyed. Rebuilt. Broken, Mended. Annihilated. Remade. Nothing special.