Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2019


To be fully aware of who I am

I had to learn much that I did not know

I had to learn as best I can we do not die

I had to learn there is no other side, not even heaven

I had to learn that we are all — I, We and All

I had to learn that what has come to me naturally

Is just as true and accurate as what comes through

To mediums, clairvoyants, psychic persons of all stripes

And that who I am is a DIY sharer

Of everything you also can also do


This is a preamble to publishing an aware version of my explicit presentation of Jesus

Done decades ago

Based on easy and direct conversations with Abba

The one Jesus took to be the Word

To whom he prayed

The one who understood God is not a person

Other than the persons we create inside our minds

God is the very force of love and energy that makes us possible and hallows our thinking and feeling as the foundation and creator of Reality


My life has not been without experiences that were psychic but they all had an exemplary character

As if to say these things are natural

You should know when in the depths of defeat that nature itself can manifest with a light show beyond imagining

You should know that when you imbibe wine and eat of bread with a Last Supper mentality you may well be in for a lifetime of freedom beyond the capacity of most to fathom

A freedom that enables you to experience the depths of failure while achieving the heights of coexistence with all that there is

You should know that when necessary we need nothing but our interaction to create a lucid inner voice that is an actual person-soul who will meet your mental needs with no fanfare or special effects, as natural as hearing a voice of someone five feet from you


What then is truth

It is the product of our mind warts and all

Is it then truth


It is known best by effects


How does truth consensus come about

By melding minds

Thus Inquisitions, wars, and plagues



Changes, awareness, creations that save lives


In other words the festival of all mentalities

The products of all minds going as they will

The offspring of the native freedom all possess


I am no medium but I get whatever I ask for in my way

And I now hear certain mediums who say

Exactly what rings true to me

That I knew many human years ago

And that is what I will reiterate and share



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!