
But who he is

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2018


Not what he says but who he is

Oh yes postmodern


Me and you


What is not relative

is me and you


There is no relativity

in a jerk a blow a bite a spit

Or in a gullet clogged with

fast detritus

There is no relativity in a slaughterhouse


I’m sorry Ludwig

I really am

But saving words and cradling them and

making them our real existence

was as wrong as you came to see

And Friedrich you were right on


but wrong on


And Charles you were right all along

but also

human all too human


And I simply say words freeze

Only when they do take root somewhere do they do damage

or enhance

When they do damage

it is real


Now take a breath

for everything is real

It’s just that things come down to us


So if we hurt with what we say

Count it

And if we hurt by what we do

Count it

Words are but a station and a gateway

to heaven or to hell


Who we are is the

sum of our effects

The balance of

of our hurts and helps



is how we change



We never can undo

what we have done


When Peter and Andrew

were deciding

whether they would join

Jesus on the shore

Peter said,

“It’s not what he says

but who he is

that makes me feel

that we should both

both say yes …”


I did not understand it then

But I do now

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Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!