Can Philosophy Create A Democratic Revolution?

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readJul 7, 2018

Naturellement! You might say. Ai.

A universal one

It is on the way to being made

Can a Philosophy Create a Democratic Revolution?

Not only can a philosophy create a nonviolent revolution. It can create universal democracy — meaning everywhere. And it can achieve this without violence.

Violence cannot produce good. It never does. Only love can create more love. Only love can multiply beyond belief. A global democratic revolution, fueled by love power, is in the works.

It was in the works when Diane Nash and others sang in Kelly’s church in Nashville — a handful yielding up Jesus-style returns. Nothing can beat love’s power.

It was in the world when Malcolm got religion in Mecca with scant weeks to live. He saw the global universal democratic revolution stretched out like a multicolored quilt in his mind’s eye and his mood changed utterly. No, it didn’t. He became his truest most revolutionary self.

And the nice thing is that this will be an un-led, nameless, platform-free democratic revolution. Because all the platform needed is in the word democracy. All of the rights made universal, just and operative. All the empowerment of freedom — led by the vote — made visible in the action of the individuals who compose not a mass but a company of individuals.

Only philosophy can do this. If it is Triadic Philosophy unsponsored, un-led, open-source, and cyber-based. Your writer is nobody and the thinking is all souls. The integration is entire, complete, and efficacious.

The picky souls of binary dissing will say their nays and merely be surprised by love sometime. We hide. We do not care. We seek nothing. We’re nomads of the universe, nonviolent and free. Words are our sorry servants, often unable to bear the weight of our inarticulate promptings.

Philosophy received may have some ethics, may have some truth and beauty lodged within. But it never thought to be universal or to embrace the last and least as first and foremost. It is a cult of personalities living and dead. Brilliance will not save us. Love will. It already has. We wake up and find that it is so.

So yes, this the century, proclaimed when it began. The democratic revolution on schedule. In time to fend off every enemy. All people cannot be defeated or put down. We speak from greater power than they possess. We have some quantum capability. We have a reclaimed Jesus who is captive of no church or creed. We have pristine objectives time and space cannot defeat.

And we have universality.


A hopefully helpful progression for initial writing, posting, sharing and expanding, video creation. And at the end of the line, selling/archiving of texts and maybe even “monetization”.

Commaful. Twitter. Here. YouTube. Kindle.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!