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Can the Ego Be Saved?

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Apparently not. If you are a self-help guru, trashing the ego is standard fare. Got a problem? It’s the ego subverting you some way.

This goes a lot deeper. Why? The ego is by any definition the I, our self.

To be saved must we get rid of ourselves? No we don’t. And we can’t.

If we die and disappear in ashes, the question is moot. If we want to deny the ego while still living, that is doable. But it is hardly necessary.

This question has ongoing relevance if life continues. If life continues in other realms, don’t we want to be who we are? Even if we ascend and merge with The Light, do we willingly shed our identities?

Ego has been made a whipping-boy. It is a stand-in for another word that begins with “e”. That word is evil.

Evil is conscious misusing of freedom. It causes hurt and harm.

Ego may be involved. So are heart and mind.

Ego is involved in all we do.

Ego is involved when we decide to be tolerant and helpful. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with ego. What is wrong some choices we make.

Can the ego be saved? It should be. It can empower self-respect, critical-thinking, and awareness.

Escaping life is a choice. A better choice is to embrace existence. Don’t leave the world, leave it better.

Triadic Philosophy maintains we are first individuals. We are meant to become universal persons. We are meant to be guided by ethics and aesthetics.

There is no element in us that is bad including the ego.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!