Changing society for the better is the mission of every human being.

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


This is actually true but needs some unpacking

This is more than an observation that goes out on a wing and a prayer. It is the result of what would take place if every person on the planet was educated to see that the attaining of the freedom of consciousness is the first task of pedagogy. When we know that we have powers of choice, freedom to think and the independence that these attributes bring, we start on the road to SOCIAL relevance.

Yes, it is only the strong and independent individual who can become the builder of societies that themselves reflect freedom, independence and openness to the better.

Yes, better is not merely a casual term. It recognizes that all we can hope to do is improve a world that is still far from being what we want and need it to be.

So do not see this tweet as a nice sentiment which it is, but also as a canny recognition of the philosophical basis for becoming decent. Make free individuals. Respect all.

Stephen C. Rose originated Triadic Philosophy and Abba’s Way. His books are available on Kindle . Twitter is the center of his activities online.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!