Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
1 min readAug 27, 2021


Clarity is the essence of psychism

The other side of truth science ignores

Our intuitions, our subjective muse

More real than the dry meal we consume


How clear are we that medicine’s secure

When seen to be a box of lethal drugs

Why do we not acknowledge ancient wisdom

And open our hearts new tides of truth


How clear are we that Heaven’s fantasy

When stories of its wonders multiply

How quickly we deem death finality

When many offer proof that death’s unreal


Clarity, oh, clarity, what is it

It’s seeing what is true behind the veil


Most are not yet able to obtain it

But we come closer, closer all the time

Dualities become integral truths

Fixed opinions see the other side

Inside the box is where we live no more


Out all of this the clear emerges

And clearly starts to be the way we see

Conscious Souls perceiving our true power

Building life on Love’s simplicity



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!