Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
5 min readAug 6, 2021



Preamble: Opposites divide. Division cannot stand. See that and you are conscious.


The opposite of work is play. They’re not divisible. They are one.

Work is anything and everything. Generally necessary, mostly required, often serious.

Play is more accent and fun pastime. Often creative, frequently free, at times inventive.

I don’t work though most might say I do. I hang out at my keyboard all day. But half the time I’m playing games. They enable creativity.

Put work and play together. See their unity. Lots of us are conscious worker-players.

I am also a co-creator.



I’m part of the Reality that propels the cosmos. So are you. We share mounds of ignorance. But a few things we know.

We know we are made in the image of the Creator. We’re partners.


We’re not machines. We’re not things. We can choose who we will be.

We can think. We can express. We can act.

I have no patience with controls on freedom. I despise corporate distancing. All forms of impersonality are anathema.

Since my control is limited, I ignore.

But I can’t ignore growing millions idle and unpaid.

Everyone has something to contribute. Everyone can be a conscious co-creator.

The SHIFT is underway.

Earth can become a democracy of co-creators.

Face to face. Open. No obfuscation. No secrets. Truly transparent.

We can defeat toxicity. Avoid hierarchies. Learn for free. Find new ways to succeed.

We don’t have to follow herds.

Co-creators are free. They’re not prey to expectations. They depend on heavenly guidance, prayer, a good sense of humor.

Love is the one true power. Balance is the one true law.

Those who recover soul hood are co-creators.


I rarely had jobs and when I did I was largely free from office distractions.

Many jobs are a false privilege. Many jobs grind workers down. Many enterprises are ill-run. But we are free. The more who see this. the more improvement of the creative environment

I am more a personal operator. Working for myself. Hopefully for others as well.

Earning should rise according to choices and achievements. Supply and demand won’t go away.

But many are defeated at the start. We ignore unique capacities and passions. They come with every soul who’s born. We pour children into schools run by premises that assume conformity. When this proves false, we call those who fail sick.

We can break free of this. We can determine things according to an infinity of intentions. We can value everyone according to their soul plan.

Maybe quantum computers will help us transcend today’s data fixations.

Today’s questions may require more insights than we have at present.

None need go hungry. Or roofless. Or be without freedom to chart a new course. Anytime.

We can also do away with obscene money differentials. High-percent money skims. That’s what they are. Tiny bits of trickle down.

Call them over.

As co-creators, we’ll create reasoned care for everyone.

And keep what is left of today in a better form than we found it. If working for A B or C is someone’s pleasure, go for it. As equals. As co-creators.


Co-creation is inherently democratic. So is Heaven.

Democracy underlies everything.

I believe dictators will be gone soon.

I believe work and play will be one and life will be less serious.

I believe divinity will be perceived by more and more.

I trust that “On earth, as in heaven” will be more the way things are.

Co-creative communities could emerge.

Close yet private.

Secure yet adventurous.

Fun yet serious.

Local democracy could rule. We could make a non-punitive world. Based on understanding. Employing those who have experience and understand.

We could live in peace.

We could learn tolerance.

Our egos could be made to behave.

As co-creators, we could become who we truly are.


Co-creators help.

Starting with ourselves. comes first.


We go inside.

We learn to love ourselves. We learn to stop living in fear. We still things enough to think straight. Maybe meditate.

And then start to love others.

Do co-creators really help? If they love themselves, they do. Yes.

They enable. They produce results.

They manifest. They partner with the Universe.

They move others up front. Everyone is an experiencer. Everyone can have a spotlight.

If I am running education, I am creating content to be curated to millions. Streaming globally. Free.

I am making qualifying for everything transparent and universal.

I am removing age limits.

Heaven is helping me every step of the way.


Co-creators have lives. They can offer a hand up. A physical hand. A physical lift.

Positivity is co-creative. It floats into the sea of consciousness. It uplifts all.

Life is individual acts and expressions. Alone or in company. We all will get life reviews.

When money is replaced by co-creation, profit won’t be a stand-in for God. A smile will be worth everything. Helping hands will make our days.

A SHIFT is enabling this change. Heavenly influence is at hand. A democracy of souls is being created.

Cooperating, co-creating, aware of what is good.

Co-creative helping will replace dour work. And win the day.


Co-creation also thrives on tolerance. Tolerance is strong. It withstands noxious pressure.

Tolerance will wait for good results. It is patient. It is a visible badge of courage.

Tolerance accepts equal rights for everyone.

It endures hard knocks. It accepts pain. It turns it into wellness.

Co-creators tolerate all attitudes, ideas and opinions. All religions. All beliefs. All stages of existence.

We can own affinities but still co-create. Consciousness makes room for all as beloved co-creators on the same path.


Creation started co-creative. The cosmos is co-creative. We have always been one. .

We are pieces of Creation. A distinct parts in a vast sea of creativity.

Things work together, mainly for good. Past capacities to understand.

What makes believing easier is testimony from who experienced the heavenly love of which co-creation is the fruit.

Co-creation speeds up.

If you are aware of earth-time, you see our evolution as a tiny portion of its duration. Present time is but a tiny sliver.

The rise of co-creation, however, is exponential. We are moving faster and faster as time goes on.

If you co not feel a sense of co-creation, consider that every intention you have is broadcast everywhere and has effects past anything that can be imagined. For we are connected to everyone and everything.

Be the soul you are.

What is soulful is co-creative. Teilhard de Chardin knew this when he tied evolution to spirituality. Everything is affected by this sea change. Work vanishes as a leading description of what we do. When asked, we may one day come to say:

“We’re co-creators.”



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!