Cold Sans of Time

Fox Kerry
Everything Comes
Published in
1 min readDec 22, 2016

you say the ocean, it’s overall wet

full of salt, and of life, and of movement

but when i went there, something else i met

and don’t take this as any reprovement.

but while journeying it, there may have been a bird

or even a shadow under ice

i might even have heard me a gurgling word

but beyond that, nothing there did seem nice.

I remember your laud, like a blue and green god,

you promised refreshment and merry

you showed me your tan, and your snorkeling plan

but clearly i found something contrary

i tried to barefeet meet the waves

how you said that it best was done

but i might as well slice toes in barnacled caves

and who knew my nose could so run?

and the quietness here is it’s own form of sentence

Perhaps I could find a “pal” lender

I’ve built several fires in two poor-made wind tents

and i’m second-thinking vacations sans calendar



Fox Kerry
Everything Comes

If you paint for me even one thing which is true, perhaps I’ll be tempted to consider two. I tell tales poetically, someone else needs to set them to music.