Come all You Addicts, and I Will Do My Best

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


It is this way. I will not tell you my addiction stories. They do not compare.

I have no cure. In fact I will be so cliche-ridden that you might well leave this moment.

I will say there is a spark inside you. There I said it. I cannot prove it. But it seems to make sense. A soul if you will. A self that is not cells that recycle or feelings that are transient.

I will say you can keep your memory at bay, if not obliterate it, at least for a while, without doing whatever you do.

Just by stopping. And thinking of something that is now.

I will say you do not need to fear if you are an atheist or a fundamentalist Christian or anything in between. Or if you are anything at all.

We are either all loved beyond reckoning or equally doomed. Either way, it is an equal proposition.

That means I do not have the solution either.

So I’ll stop. No I won’t.

Because I had to go this far to get to what I will now say.

You are on your own.

I am on my own.

But if you get to that point of loneliness and candor, you can do what I think anyone can do.

You can call out.

You can address whatever is there.

The void or the spark or the Force.

And you can see what comes back.

I do that more often than I like to admit. That is my mission in life. To be a super optimist who sometimes runs on empty.

When I call out, the messare I get is, “We are with you”.

Essentially the stripped down message of Jesus.

There is no one so lost she cannot be found.

No one so beaten that he cannot look up.

We are with you.

Then try blessing someone.

Or say “Freedom, justice, love”.

Or do none of the above.

Addiction today is so rife and pernicious it requires the most radical cure there is.


Accept it is up to you to make the contact that can lift you up.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!