Creativity does not fade with age

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


The narratives we foist

are a weak soup

of expertise

that experts only know


The wisdom of the world

is hid away

among the lost


and stultified


Exemplary is this falsehood that says

age makes what’s creative go away


The fog of childhood

does not go away

The questions in a child’s mind do not rest

When age perceives one’s thoughts

grown through the years

that child’s voice is the one

one hears


In short what is creative knows no age

Marianne Moore and countless others



When death’s door is less far away

Thoughts multiply

Creation has its day

We learn more as we muse beyond all schools

We have experience that tells new truth

We understand complexity anew

We are set free from what we had to do


We do not live inside a confined box

constrained by arbitrary disciplines

No answers live in such confines


Life has no stages but the ones we make

So narrate on — no need to stay awake



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!