Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2017


Reminiscences of a boy criminal

I was a boy criminal

sanitized and WASP

therefore exempt from law

able to eat shrimp cocktails without

missing a beat


The only block a nagging conscience

that came from nowhere but

what we once called



I was a boy criminal

I filched stuff from Herbie’s on Columbus Avenue

I did the same in other places


A cool young actress did the same years later

got the book thrown

I was the very soul of luck


Why would I

who now am presumed to be

a master of benignity

and goodness

not simply self-pardon

just see my childhood crimes

as little indiscretions

hardly worth a mention


Well you see

some people reading this

know well as I

exactly what the score was


I never ended up

where kids in gangs end up

or little boys who find

a George Zimmerman

on their tail


Come come

I am not stupid

Knew the drill then

Know it now


I was as universal then as now

Reality was all

and it still is

I’m still a thief

A criminal

Free walking

just like the President


There’s nothing fancy in this

There’s no celebrity

And no

no shame

It is

It was

Like every day that passes

it could have been the end



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!