Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


These (italicized and bolded) are keywords of Heavenly existence made into affirmations for repeated use to obtain a sense of Heaven itself. I shall add these as they come to me. When new additions are made I will repost this at

Bliss is our happiness no matter what

Bliss is the first of four keywords that are to me indicative of Heaven. Heaven is the realm beyond this life where Souls embark on a train of endless development based upon conscious awareness of states of being that these four words point to. The four words are Bliss Joy Freedom and Love.

Bliss is envelopment in constant love

Bliss is development in conscious love

Development is a word applicable to Souls, or to conscious Soulhood. There is utter equality in Heaven among the Spirit Beings there. But there is clearly also step-by step development as the goal is merging with the very Source of All.

Conscious love is when our consciousness is trained on making love the generator of all our expressions and actions. None of this denies our honest emotions which are a stream of consciousness. We can observe as we concentrate. Human beings can do no less.

Bliss is a discernable state we as humans can attain. Even the word alone, exhaled in a long breath, time after time, until you are partially “enveloped in” Bliiiiis, will put you into a state I’ll call positivity. You will know it in your interchanges with others and in your inner dialogs.

Joy is the ecstasy of complete harmony

Joy is movement, energy, uplifting, inspiring. It is irrepressible. It is full. And it is musical.

Joy springs up when Heaven is in view

Joy is when our mourning becomes dance

Joy is always a result. A celebration of a cause. The celebration is spontaneous delight. It is in part involuntary yet also conscious. It is always an expression of its cause.

Joy is the universal language of happiness

Bliss, Joy, Freedom, Love

This four-word statement of the qualities of Heaven is to me a natural candidate to be placed among these affirmations. I often find myself reverting to these four words, anytime I want to move my mind to Spirit Consciousness or as a simple reminder of these essential, complementary terms.

Originally Bliss, Joy, Love was the mantra. But as I was continuing my studies I was prompted to include Freedom. Bliss, Joy. Freedom, Love. I shall explain this as we go. But it is more than that we have freedom of choice, which we do. It is also a spectrum of inner feelings or senses ranging as high as it will go. I find this sense essential to awareness of who we are. It was and is the key word of my own awakening.

It strikes me that the first of these — Bliss is our happiness no matter what — can be linked to the three additional terms we are considering. Thus:

Joy is our happiness no matter what

Freedom is our happiness no matter what

Love is our happiness no matter what

The “no matter what” is appropriate to human existence, when we daily face challenges that seem to come upon us. “No matter what” is asserting a positive objective no matter what the challenge is.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!