Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


From my Kindle Trove Google, for example “The New Tao Stephen C. Rose Kindle”

Democracy should be

our final aim

The goal of any goodness

that we do

Without democracy

we risk the shame

of losing rights

all are entitled to

We are imperfect

lax and fallible

traits we share with

all who share the earth

Yet we seek

what’s true and beautiful

and there lies

what gives life its worth

At any age

we all contain a child

If she was treated well

she smiles

If he was beaten

he may feel defiled

The child is with us

each and every mile

Help us to reach out

to the child in all

Help us make

the child’s position clear

A universal child

sends out this call

When thinking of the good

start here

The ten year old left dead

on a mean street

The baby starved

and still nothing to eat

The bully child

who lives only to beat

The poster child

who says I am elite

Let these divisions

fall to what is real

Inside each one is

where the real resides

We either break

through falsehood’s seal

or we are lost

among its roiling tides

First see the child

who lives in everyone

Reach out to all

yes reaching out is life

Embrace the child

embrace what what must be done

to move past conflict

war and strife

We will not change

until we see the child

as the face

of everyone on earth

The winds that blow us back

are fierce and wild

We win only when

we know true worthDemocracy should be

our final aim

The goal of any goodness

that we do

Without democracy

we risk the shame

of losing rights

all are entitled to

We are imperfect

lax and fallible

traits we share with

all who share the earth

Yet we seek

what’s true and beautiful

and there lies

what gives life its worth

At any age

we all contain a child

If she was treated well

she smiles

If he was beaten

he may feel defiled

The child is with us

each and every mile

Help us to reach out

to the child in all

Help us make

the child’s position clear

A universal child

sends out this call

When thinking of the good

start here

The ten year old left dead

on a mean street

The baby starved

and still nothing to eat

The bully child

who lives only to beat

The poster child

who says I am elite

Let these divisions

fall to what is real

Inside each one is

where the real resides

We either break

through falsehood’s seal

or we are lost

among its roiling tides

First see the child

who lives in everyone

Reach out to all

yes reaching out is life

Embrace the child

embrace what what must be done

to move past conflict

war and strife

We will not change

until we see the child

as the face

of everyone on earth

The winds that blow us back

are fierce and wild

We win only when

we know true worth



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!