Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


The days of dictators are ending

Authoritarians as well

They do no good and lots of evil

These simple words are their death knell


They are the words of all the prophets

And all sages everywhere

They say, See, see, don’t understand

They say a house divided falls


A word of love, a word of good

Falls on deaf ears and hardened hearts

So how can we be free of them

Their tawdry ways and demon acts


By looking inward, saying no

I am the ruler not these dolts

I cannot not die, I’m free to go

I will transcend their pomp and show


I stand with love and comprehending

They demur, I simply laugh

I know they’ll have a lovely landing

Dying and living again


Their day ends when we wake

And freely choose a better way

Stash drugs, sad habits and addictions

Letting better feelings play


This globe is a democracy

Ruled by a power we call us

Knowing all of us are One

Knowing we are made of love



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!