Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


All Spirit knowing starts with single Souls

Each Soul will learn to go within

That’s where Spirit friendship is

Daily we commune with Spirit realms


We live in the basement of Reality

Spirit work requires that we rise

Up to the very realms from whence we came

It’s from up there that Divine Help will come


Heart and will are our most potent aids

Heart intention speaks our deepest loves

Will is what propels the heart to speak

In the Spirit realm they get things done


Our lowest frequencies are physical

To rise above them we seek Spirit realms

Body and mind are no longer seen

Heart and will are front and center now


Up there we call on anyone we choose

We seek guidance, healing, anything

We get responses each in our own way

All things we hope to see are fashioned there


This is the essence of all exercise

Arrange things in a way that works for you

Learn affirmations, mantras you can use

Share positives with all the Universe


Do not be ashamed to jump right in

You know best how to do things on your own

Anything that heart-intends will do

Anything that seeks response to you


Soon you will experience results

Heart intent will register some way

You’ll say “higher” and rise past the skies

You will accomplish miracles in time


Remember this is you and you alone

Spirituality is yours to do

You will find help always has been here

Any path you will to take’s is yours



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!