Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readOct 14, 2019


I am reasonably certain that those who have had direct experience of the fact that we do not die are correct.

I am also convinced that the veil of consciousness that makes it difficult for us to follow the command of Jesus that we look within for the Divine Realm is spot on.

If you even remotely accept these two premises, then DIY (do it yourself) spirituality is almost mandatory.

My own experience is that corporate religion of all sorts is less a priority than daily attention to one’s beloved status as a person of vastly more capacities than we are often aware of.

This daily attention could include a walk where one reflects on what constitutes ethics (decent behavior) and what tends toward the true and beautiful.

It could include a silent plea for forgiveness and a pledge to forgive others.

And, most of all, by quietly asking for the Love within you to grow as a light within, you can begin to actually experience the living memory of who you really are.

There is no way of life that cannot include these things.

They are obligations of existence.

I do not teach spirituality. That is a path of searching no one should try to do for another.

What I try to do is to say how things look to me.

As in:

We are free and the only thing that really matters is that we choose love.

If you do not think we are free to choose, reflect on whether you are willing to say you love yourself, you love those around you and you love all beings.

To say these things is to be halfway to a sort of inner bliss.

If you do not think we live on and reincarnate (by choice) and all have the choice to advance spiritually from this density to the most amazing levels, your mind may change if you investigate in the global free university that is the Internet.

There is a difference between this sign pointing and telling people how they should live.

Nonviolence and fairness and honoring all people regardless does it for me. There is no one who, fully understood, does not deserve love. There is no way to change anything without understanding. Force is useless as we see daily.

The veil is thinning. Consciousness is now more porous and communication between realms more achievable.

I publish this as a means of disciplining myself to remain on topic and consistently write so that when asked I can say I am a writer whose subject is DIY practical spirituality.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!