Do Not Sweat Disinformation

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Do not sweat disinformation

Liars are rewarded by unconditional love with a review

of their behavior

Results are affected by the free decisions of all of us

Do not believe disinformation works

In time conscious eyes remember what rules

Do not subscribe if sides are being taken

Do not judge simply move on

Do not subscribe if it’s not universal

Goodness, fairness, love to everyone

Do not subscribe to anything at all

Give your all to all that works for all

You are the captain of your life

You are a soul that cannot die

When freedom is used sadly for evil

Your best option is to pass it by

Onward we go and the truth is we are winning

False resistance is a sign of dross

Trust the love that’s unconditional

See through the wiles of deception

Take no sides, just love the whole

Ah and

See you all at the reception



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!