Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readJul 21, 2019


In the low to middle ‘40s

While the Second War raged on

I would walk alone for hours

In my odd state of freedom


Carl Schurz Park my destination

Thinking, musing all the while

South to Brearley, north to Fire Boat

Never bored, I carried on


At the North end I descended

To the Fire Boat in its dock

Left, a dark form lay face down

Motionless on the walkway


A lone form emerged from inside

“Dragged him up,” he shrugged and said

“You wonder how long he’s been dead,

From the look it’s been some time”


He said the sight was not for me

Then he departed for the day

I stood alone in perfect place

Silent, calm with the drowned man

No one came, no, no one came

One then two hours, no one came


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Finally I left as well

Went westward to the Automat

Never spoke a word about it

Still indelible right now


But now with my service in mind

I’ll see what heaven has to say

Ask, you’ll receive. I know, I know

I’ll ask Abba, yes, here I go


“Steve, your story is common

Disfigured bodies left unknown

They recycle just as you do

What was the effect on you’


‘I wondered why all eyes seemed closed

To one who needed to be known

Went back the next day, he was gone

I didn’t know then all live on


I wondered could I meet this man

What is his name, how does he look

What happened next, you will soon know

The Drowned Man soon spoke words to me


‘I watched you watching my body

I had been thrown into the deep

Till I could not be recognized

I saw it from the evening sky’


‘I changed my name when I came here

I made amends, I faced my fears

I was a third-rate criminal

Here you can change your name at will”


Needless to say, our talk went on

He does not hide his tawdry past

Heaven seems to know all things

And we can do the same at last



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!