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End Game — A Year and 11 Months After We Knew

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Nobody said this would be free

Just desserts are expensive

when we are all guilty

and in need of absolution

We have the Criminal in Chief

going down for what he truly does not believe

was wrong.

What? Stealing an election? I won fair and square.

Befriending Russia post Cold War against the

neocons who gave us the Bush Recession and Iraq?

Don’t you dare say that was wrong.

So Donaldo gets to go with a half truth to suggest a legacy.

We don’t get off so easy.

We all profited while we got to trash our rotten reject at the helm

Oh yes most of us did just fine and if we were hurt

by market fluctuations it was all on paper

and we’re still OK.

And all those Trump supporters from the most venal to the sweetest

one who ever sang Amazing Grace

They get to say that for a moment the shoe was on the other foot

Every nasty thing that comes from Trump policies will be another

arrow aimed at anyone naive enough to think that Hillary was clean

No Democrat was clean after Mayor Daley spat on them and all they did was party

Feet of clay

Not one

Not one


We’re nearly done



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!