Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2021


From my files. For more Google> “Stephen C. Rose ESTOBOOKS Kindle”

Envy is not a deadly sin. Doing harm is.

Envy is being jealous of something of someone
and desiring what they have, whatever it may be.

As a feeling envy, is common and should be acknowledged
and admitted. We may envy someone their looks, or their manner,
or their house or their possessions.

Jealousy is a state of being that can contain resentment
and anger and a sense of betrayal. If it eats at you, it may do
harm. Most certainly, if your anger impacts others in a
hurtful way, it is evil. Like all things good or evil, the proof
is in the action. By your fruits you are known.

So unless envy or jealousy eats away at you, or yields up an
action based on mindlessness, selfishness or other harmful
values, it remains subject to the influences of freedom and

Envy can be a sign leading to good. Similarly, jealousy
can lead to a better result than inflicting harm and injury.
Envy and jealousy can summon one to shake the dust from
their feet and move on. Or consider an inventive way to tolerate
a difficult situation by acts that are flexible, instructive and
even gracious.

The way to transform a negative emotion into a positive action
begins with the experience of the freedom to choose the way ahead.



Stephen C. Rose
Stephen C. Rose

Written by Stephen C. Rose I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!