Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


A Spiritual Autobiography

Balance relates to I-WE-ALL

These three are needed or we fall

Solitude when we’re solo

Society when we connect

All, knowing we are everyone


Balance, and we are evolved

Balanced, proud and standing tall

If we must be unbalanced then

Take stock, resolve to start again


Why balance well

Here’s why it’s so

Walter Russell told us long ago

Reciprocity is at its heart

It is Creation’s back and forth

The cosmos is

A perfect symmetry

No sides not one

All beauty, truth

And light


Creation’s rule of how it is

Imagines bodies balanced well

And all aware of how things are

Just as consciousness counsels


“I” suggests a need for solitude

WE suggests honor communities

ALL tells us that we all are ONE


Solitude makes possible a guided life

We means us for we are multiple

Universal is ALL unified

Balance being each of these


I’m by myself much of the time

Then I go out for social ties

My thoughts reach out to everyone

And so do yours

And everyone’s






We’re telepathic

Thought is who we are

The cosmos is a field of endless choice

Multiples of trillions live next door


I discovered I-WE-ALL

When its grammar leaped forth tiger like

I realized no affirmation works

Unless we affirm I-WE-ALL


Ego mainly thinks of I

(We drown in narcissistic tides)


WE, alone, may end in gangs, and cliques, and groups

Discouraging an independent way


ALL is our oneness in infinity



Loving and free


It is so simple

It could work so well

If balance was the practice

And harmony the dawning bell



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!