Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readOct 31, 2019


I have never meditated in the accepted sense

I have never meditated in the accepted sense

I have a regular routine with a half-hour devoted to a walk which may involve

Talk with Abba

My guide over decades

I also practice the Triadic Philosophy method of doping things out

But I have not done any accepted form of meditation

I have never seen the Light

Said by Near Death Survivors and others to be a source

Of palpable unconditional love

Lately I have determined this needs to be addressed

I think billions need to experience the Light

In whatever way works

So today I addressed it


I had a twenty minute walking-conversation with Abba

I outlined my intention to deal with the problem

I confessed that I already was determined to get my body into the act via breathing and being aware of the powers that can be unleashed by proper breathing

But I wanted to do it my way

I asked Abba what he thought


The upshot was the following

I agreed to practice when sitting at my computer, lying down for a nap or at night and upstairs where I walk daily and then sit down to read for a time

Essentially this opened the door to four or five occasions daily when I would do the agreed routine

Abba suggested that I do 25 Love Power Breaths intending to see the LIGHT whenever I was in the situations I have mentioned

“Love Power” has been one of my mantras for some time

The breath is held a bit

then four count inhale through the nostrils

Hold at will

Exhale through the mouth with any sort of sounds you wish to make

This is a free process which is not meant as a performance to anyone but me

Sounds are optional and can vary

A free response

A sense of solitude is helpful

On the inhale or holding at the top, I may contract the lower muscles of my trunk and direct it to move upward all the way to the top of my head

This practice free and freely engaged with attention mainly on the breath

Other thoughts can be noted but need not be pursued


This autobiography will inevitably dip into the past

It will also be a current record of what is happening

The spiritual part of me is not new

We are all spiritual whether we acknowledge it or not

But for me it is much more intentional and all embracing now

I think of little else and disciplines are a central focus



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!