Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


How goes the light brigade

How goes the light brigade

I am an incurable optimist

I cut myself slack on demand

I have changed the terms of my routine

The object is to encounter the Light

Without engaging in Joe Dispenza passing out antics and

Without training for 20 years in the foothills of the Himalayas

I also refuse to cave and accept the mantra disciplines of Transcendental Meditation

In other words

I remain on my DIY trail

And recognize that I am my awareness



Enlightenment should not be the result of an effort in which the bulk of humankind could never participate


If the light is within us and intention is strong, we should be able to see it

DIY Three

If we are parts of the same substance which is love and if love and light are one, then we have no option but to see this as our problem to resolve


So, seeking guidance is a conversation with oneself

The solution is not to look out there for an answer

There are no secrets


If these things are so

Freedom is secure

I will perceive what I intend to perceive

Not as a reward

Or a gift

Or the end of an arduous quest

But because comes with all

it is natural to us

Like scratching

Or pursing our lips

In other words

Just do it


I shall let you know what happens



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!