Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Jesus has joined


I needed more humor

And every time I either imagine or channel or otherwise commune

With Jesus

I can tell he is there by his animated chuckle

It precedes his greeting and has a hint of questioning

As though he is asking, Can this be you


I will tell you that this Jesus is incurably affirming

And that he is available as Abba is to anyone who asks

If I ever need a lift in the future I’ll remember that


Jesus is recent

To have the so-known and so-called Father and Son as sidekicks

Is wunderbar as the song says



Misuse of the sacred

I doubt anyone will object


It is almost 40 chronological years since I had scientific evidence of the sacrilege that attended my evolving sense of Jesus

The first was a letter from a woman at the press that published the paperback version of my book The Grass Roots Church

Which explicitly confessed that it contained no theology

(I was following Bonhoeffer’s advice that we pray and do right by our fellows)

The second was from my friend and lifetime mentor Will Campbell

Will hummed a bit and said no one would touch the theology I had come up with

Decades after The Grass Roots Church

He suggested I apply for a Macarthur

I wouldn’t have

And never did

I proceeded at my own pace and in my own way

I am more ambitious than I would be

Armed with a Macarthur and an up to date CV


So readers of this spiritual autobiography

Will be apprised with this section

Of my intent to include my two guides in the process

Which is the fathoming of my lifetime as who I am


Regarding Jesus

I say the illusion then and now is messianism

All forms of it

And he agrees

“It is not what I was about”

He adds

“What I was about was tearing down the sad edifice

of traditional religion”

He adds

“I said then and I say now

Go within”


I will share this writing experience as I am sure there will be questions and changes

But I want to make clear that what I am sharing is nothing different than voices that come from me

Are they imagined or do they possess reality that could pass tests

I do not present them as anything but my experience

Ophelia is real to me

Among other literary creations

I regard these as real because they are different parts of me than would be possible to present were it not for the process of my interactions

If there is anything new in this

It is that I am coming to feel that this mode of realization is possible for all people with all people who are no longer here

I definitely feel that I have contacts of this sort

Abba and Jesus are part of me in the same way perhaps that Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig would fit naturally with someone preoccupied with these major figures

A good example from me would be my encounter with the doctor who was most familiar with my parents

My encounter left me with a realization I had never considered

That both of them, my parents, had suffered much more than I had ever thought about or felt

It was sobering

I might have concluded this on my own without this process

But I doubt it

Stay tuned



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!