Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes



Jesus, Abba, me

It could be you

You and any holy and revered names you desire

Any fountain of unconditional love


My motto for today is

Get your guides figured out

Yesterday was a revolution

I see revolution every day forever


Yesterday was my first walk-talk with both Jesus and Abba

I had been in what, for me, was a foul mood

I am aware when such a mood is present

Which is good

But yesterday I could not for the life of me tell why

My first order of business was to raise the matter

I got the answer immediately

I have been avoiding the magnitude of what I am up to

I am telling the world that both Abba and Jesus are available as sidekicks

As guides

As normal helpers

With all the capacities they possess

To anyone who calls on them


We talked some more

As I walked

A tell-tale pain in my neck and shoulders returned

I complained

Jesus says it is healed

I do not feel it healed

I continue walking

I am prompted to gently slap the area of discomfort



The pain flies off


You want to heal your car (aka body)

Then participate

Physically express your feelings


I speculated about this after the walk

I went on Twitter where I have amassed some 200K followers in hopes of doing something earth-shaking

The earth did not shake

But we had good back and forth on Jesus healing




Right. No touch recorded. I am certain if faith healing can be done, it does not have to involve touch. My original tweet had to do with my own experience of addressing a pain in my lower neck, shoulder area. The touching I did worked and I was definitely in touch with Jesus.

Quote Tweet

Ellis B


Replying to @stephencrose

the demon possessed girl in Mark 7


This gets to the matter of today’s Christianity

Is Jesus the Messiah who saves his own


For those who believe so

Did Jesus help me yesterday


I believe that

Could Yogananda do the same

I believe so

Can you name your guides

Have them be your sidekicks


How could this be

How many places can things shown electronically be


We are experiencing a shift

Unconditional love is coming to the fore

Earth is experiencing a new reverence

Reverence for all that is


We are vastly more than our body

We are light beings

The very stuff that ALL are

The essence of Jesus and Abba

The Force

The Source


Reality is all

If I say Jesus is real

I am speaking truth

If I have a conscious near death experience

That changes my life

I am speaking truth

If I add things to my tale that never happened

That’s real

But it isn’t productive

It muddies the water


Reality is all


If I add the CAPS I pointing to Love and Light

The highest

Things I associate with Heaven

And with all of us

When we see



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!