Are we totally wrong
I am talking about multiple possibilities that seem hard to believe
But which impact every conscious being on this planet
Heaven exists or afterlife is a pipe dream or a fantasy
That is an either-or for you
But let’s assume you know that consciousness is beyond the body
And you have some acquaintance with evidence of an afterlife
That is where my questioning begins
Heaven is said to be like Earth
But without harm and other conditions that make life a burden to us all at some point
(Hold that thought)
Consider that
Everything we see here and in the world beyond
Is the product of our conscious imaging
Consider that such energy (power) that exists
Is converted by mind into intentions
And that we are participants in the work of creation
Here is where it gets interesting
You come back from your near death experience
You saw your grandma
She was beautiful and not a day over 32
Someone else walks by and does not see her
Or she visible as a ball of light
We create realities by our intentions and thoughts
But clearly our thoughts alone do not account for that second iteration of grandma
Everything is created
By all who consent to an intention
By an intelligence which operates in concert with input we all produce
I experience Abba
I experience Jesus
There can be as many experiences of these two entities as there are sets of eyes and pairs of ears
If you read Idealist philosophy
The good Bishop Berkeley for example
Our Creator thinks everything that is
If we are part of our Creator
We think at least some of what is
Our sense is real to us
Is this line of thinking totally wrong
Not necessarily
When I was 4 years old
There was monster in the hall outside my room
I was convinced of it
I made my parents put the light on in the hall
I agonized
I kept an eye on the lit hallway
It ran the length of the second floor
Then it turned in the direction of my door
I was scared
It came to a head one night
I spied an ominous shadow going all the way to the ceiling
About to turn the corner
Then it vanished
Whatever it was had been there
I knew just as clearly that whatever it was was gone
For good
Whatever it was
I thought it away
Reality is all
That dark form was as real as the wall
So was its disappearance
So was cemented my sense of being alone in the world
It was not discomforting
I felt then I am not like everyone else
I still feel that
A transcendence
A pride perhaps
I still do not understand it now
I am sure we all have such experiences
Reality cannot be measured, sliced, and diced
I have all sorts of ideas I have not been able to create on earth
I look forward to learning how in the more malleable reaches of
The Reality in which we live