Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


A Spiritual Autobiography

I know I left some details out

Manhattan born and my home now

My children from my first marriage

My second marriage thrives right here

I shall account for both in time


I did a haiku this morning


Stephen C. Rose

Oct 20

We are unified

Enveloped in cosmic Source

Connected by threads


I write philosophy in verse

I’ve written that way from the start

It’s never caught on

That’s all right

My thought evolves in exposures

Sometimes ahead sometimes behind

I mainly try to fathom mind


I live upon a blissful shore

It’s spiritual

It’s heavenly

I am the thickest density

My mystic moments are most rare

I’m not too good at frequency

But I can see the truth out there

And I can trust the myriad clues

I find strewn past the ivied walls

And I can think past science too

I am a soul who knows a task

I understand

And I broadcast



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!