Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readNov 8, 2019


I see the feather in the wind

Adhering to the metal of the strange grate

Out there

It’s said to be a sign

And I accept it’s so


I do not accept anything as fixed

Even the feather

It’s tenacious but one day

The wind will take it and perhaps it will

Be a sign to someone else


I look at the feather

And greet it

And do not think I must warm it because

The wind is cold out there

The feather will be fine

And so will I

And so will we

And so will all


Be positive always

Snap back to it if it eludes you


I am with Jesus and Abba

No day is new

No day is anything

Nothing is nothing

This is everything


I can see a shore I do not know

I can trace a way I have not traveled

I can float for hours upon a dream I can’t access


Jesus is smiling

Abba hides his


I hear things below that sound like

Well, they are mostly machine sounds


The feather undulates

It does not speak


I turned the radio on to test it

When I got up an hour ago

It does not function half the time

I turn it off

It is childhood static

All over again

I used to be a defeater of static

Stubborn, persistent, undefeated

The radio in bed with me

A secret frequently accessed

In the maid’s room meant for me

The static

Past magic


The steel to which the feather adheres

And the wind that jostles it

Show how I’ve grown

I had never heard of signs

Or semiotics when

Lux Theater was happening


But one thing is consistent

Had I seen the feather then

Had Jesus then told me

Yes, feathers are among the signs to look for

I would have believed

Without cracking a smile



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!