Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2019


Yes I admit it

I have been all over the map on good and evil

I have written that everything is perfect whatever it is

I have read tomes that minimize the Holocaust because

Souls do not die

And the executioners had a harder time than victims did

But I am always brought up short

I am always apprised of forces in the universe that contradict

My rosy pictures

My Pollyanna perorations

My naivete

My lack of realism


Well now, let’s have at it

I shall ask cogent questions

Abba, Jesus, can our situation be called Spiritual Warfare

Are there demons and evil spirits and such


The answer is Yes and No

Yes, to any image, myth, reality you create

No, to any ultimate result

Yes, to the capacity of your imaginings of evil and their deleterious effects

No, to the capacity of you, your Soul, to capitulate without consent, free agreement


Then none are lost


None are lost

But many, too many, who fail to see and stand back from all manner of temptations that prey on their fears and insecurity

The more credence given to evil entities, the more present such entities — call them what you will


So when those who speak of Heaven and Light say there is no judgment and t unconditional love is what the Universe is made of, they are right

That is Reality

But because Reality is All and because we are free parts of Reality we could end up in a holding pattern until we are somehow willing to say no to our demons, evil entities we allow to exist and control us


You’ve got it

We cannot allow freedom, we cannot function as we do, unless we can learn from the heroic and front-line experience that grows and grows over time

Do not be too anxious to say time does not exist where we are

We move

We progress

ALL of us

Including the creative products that encourage things like harm, hurt and the domination of fear


Should we openly battle souls who give every evidence of having fallen deeply into temptation


You can answer that, Steve

We have the same response

Unconditional, non-judging love

Only that


Only that

We will never punish evil away

We will succeed as we are able to lift worlds

As individual minds themselves are lifted

Progress is slow by your lights

But we can see it as it evolves

We do not give credence to evil imaginations

We acknowledge their generators, Souls lashed to these sad captors

Simply understand

Teach all others to do the same

Do not worry about writing that everything is fine

It is

Absent the things fear and rebellion give rise to


Abba, Jesus, I cannot ever stop thanking.

I hear Jesus, gently laughing



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!