Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Protection thoughts

We all need protections

Even when we affirm that all is well

And that everything we do comes from love


Freedom is the power of “no” as well as “yes”

Until the last free voice of willful evil

Screams a last purgative time

And bows down to Reality

Until all accept unconditional non-judging love

As who we ALL are

There will be need for protections


God protect me

Say your prayer in three words

Believe it done

God protect me

God protect us

God protect all

Expel all powers that tempt you

Accept only

The positive

The good

The loving

The blissful

The joyful

The just


Affirm victory

You have expelled and defeated the power of evil

You have deleted its capacity to jerk you around

You are free

You are free

You are free



It works

It works for me

It works for you

It works for us

It works for all


We lead a simple social life

Here in Manhattan

Our quarters are too small to make entertaining feasible

Mainly we take people out

Or invite them to the top of the building where we live

There are places to sit and talk up there


Last night we saw a friend who told us of attending a Kundalini Yoga class

At one point she says

She left her body

And found herself on the ceiling looking down and seeing her body below

She soon returned

She was surprised when I said this out of body rising was at least part of countless near death experiences everywhere

She had no idea

We talked back and forth


There are no accidents

Everything is significant


More and more I am aware of fragments

Parts of experience

Here is a colleague of my wife

Both of whom are skeptics

Talking about consciousness leaving her body

Yet wondering if she is actually crazy


I hope this little exercise I’m doing

Will encourage others

Each in their own way

To undertake to speak honestly of experiences

We have vastly more capacity

And miles and miles more freedom

Than we allow to ourselves


We are souls

With Angels attending us

With whatever name we give to God loving each of us

Living in the most sped-up time in human history

Ready to have proof given us that

We are Souls

We do not die


And when a spiritual sign is given us

We think we’re crazy


Protect yourself

Boldly affirm

I know who I am

We know who we are

All know who all are

I know what I am

I know what we are

I know what all are

I know how I serve

I know how we serve

I know how all serve

I am free

I am free

I am free

We are free

We are free

We are free

All are free

All are free

All are free



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!