Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readNov 9, 2019


Go as gentle as you can

Swashbuckling drinking Dylan at the White Horse Tavern

Pontificating on the crazed courage of human beings

He crieth, do not go gentle into that good night


I whisper gently, Gently moving forward

Past this void


Harming oneself is manifesting fear

Harming oneself defeats self-love

Self-love is a first step in loving more

In living with

I and WE and ALL

That is us



The beauty in vaunting our failure

Vanishes with vision

Its hurt and harm become

The ashes we wear on our brows

When we can finally say

There is no good nor evil

Evil has no hold


All are saved

All souls

Already they are saved

All are the objects of

Love unconditional


Everything is beautiful

Everything that is

Is good

Our minds create what evil is

Our minds also defeat it


Jesus and Abba

Say it’s so


Evil has power, Steve, when fear holds sway

Souls liberated must let go

Souls given life on earth concede that


May fall to temptation

And bite off more than they can chew

They may take a line of least resistance

And end up in an evil stew


At which point there only one redress

Retire to the cell that is each person’s monastic enclave

Retire deep within

Call on anyone who knows the truth for guidance

Me — Jesus

Me — Abba

All holy names will say the same

“You are accepted

“You are forgiven

“There is no judgment

“If earnestly and bodily

“You do repent and turn from evil ways

“Then welcome


“Welcome home”



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!