Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


A Spiritual Autobiography

All know who all are

This is completion of a spiritual exercise

Bear with me


All is all there is

Know is understanding

Who is I, you, we, and all

Are is in the cosmos now


I wake up before 5 and start talking

Silently or aloud

Affirmations old and new

And it comes to the above

I first say “I know who I am

I add

I know what I am

Followed by

I know how I serve


The essence of guidance

Offered by Paul Selig

Found in his books


I have operated on guidance for decades

I checked and confirmed Selig’s guides

Destination the frequency of Christ Consciousness

A realm beyond knowing


Confirmation comes as a tear of joy from my right eye

These tears fall as if on cue


So, beginning with the song above

I expand it


I know who I am

I know what I am

I know how I serve

I am free

I am free

I am free

Then my additions because we are also us and all

We know who we are

We know what we are

We know how we serve

We are free

We are free

We are free

All know who all are

All know what all are

All know how all serve

All are free

All are free

All are free


My universal notation


do re me fa so la ti do

(For lower octave)


The tune is


so RE FA RE ti


so ti RE

FA RE ti

la ti DO


I head out for the walk-meditation

I have done

For decades

Now in the Mid-Manhattan building where we have lived for over 20 years

It consists of a walk to the Upstairs Lounge

On 25 then up two flights

My knees require a slow sideways method

Easy with these old stairs in this century-old former hotel

Lots of holds to grab

Today for the first time I was able to use both legs to climb


On the way upstairs

I recite to myself the version of the Lord’s Prayer I have used for a long time

Abba whose home in heaven is

Hallowed and holy is your name

Let your realm come

Your will be done

Till earth and heaven are the same

Give us this day our daily bread

Forgive the wrongs that we have done

As we forgive those who do wrong

Lead us not into temptation

Deliver us from evil, Lord

And guide us safely to your shore

Yours is the power to heal and mend

Yours is the glory evermore

The prayer never fails to move me

Abba is the one I call my guide

I do not pretend firsthand knowledge of heaven

My guide may be my higher self or an amalgamation

Whatever may emerge

I am comfortable

Jesus was too


Jesus is alive

I get a truer picture of him from mediums than from scholars I have well-perused in fifty years spent learning Jesus has nothing to do with messianism and everything to do with continual spread of unconditional love and the understanding that we are all one


The walk continues


Our lobby covers one short block and is pleasant to walk through

Often on walks I touch near my heart

That will bring a familiar “Steve” in response

A colloquy ensues

I call it guidance but it is 24/7 everything

Even as I write


Morning began before 5

Now it is 1 PM earth time

I have already sent tweets out to my 200 K “followers”

This one is typical

STAR WARS is a reminder that combat in the world is standard and purposeful. But there is only one purpose. To allow souls to grow until the only aim they have is to achieve and share unconditional love. That’s why we keep coming back.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!