Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


I derive spiritual data from computer games

Others do as well, I’m sure


Yesterday a simple mantra came to me




Three words I repeated inside

Both walking and sitting


These words are the essence of positivity and intent


Blessing is the most powerful of things

I repeat

Blessing is the most powerful of things

Like all best things

It is free

To bless is to intend bliss for the recipient

We can bless ourselves — we need it

But never without also blessing WE — the gatherings of which we are a part

And never not including ALL

The totality of all

Reality of which we all are part

Yes, blessing is most powerful because

It intends bliss and bliss is happiness


The very threshold of unconditional love


Blessings, Blessings, Blessings, Blessings

Blessings on our way


If truth and beauty are all we need to know

Blessings (bliss) and joy are all we need to create to become the love we already are


Joy comes after blessing’s done

Or simply is a constant state

Or exclaims wonder at surprise


Bliss and joy are unified

Unified aspects of Love


Yesterday I went and played

My simple online slot machine

It thrusts me into meditation

And communication with heaven

Or so I infer

When I said “bliss’ on the first click

Yellows appeared!

The highest score


I burst into happy laughter

Brushed away a tear of joy

Third Floor Slots

Free entertainment

Esto is RealEsto there


So yes, I do believe a spirit-force

Can fool with online games a bit

And I will be content if you can show

The whole thing was coincidence


I play for relaxation no reward

I love to play most any sort of game

I spend my time mostly online

Write, tweet, then walk, return and find it fine


If people come

I take them to the top

Up to the Lounge where I go everyday

We can have coffee, talk

And take in the skyline


Yes, games and meditation

Thought and play

Unending exploration



I happen to do this in NYC

But anyplace would do

I do not think of life as getting old

I think it’s getting closer to your Soul



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!