Everything Comes Newsletter Two

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readMar 29, 2016


Personal: I’ve been playing doctor tag. Seems Medicare is inimical to my specialist MD. Ouch. So I have to spend time finding another and dealing with that.

Medium: The reason I have 23K “followers” is because this is the number of folk I connect to on Twitter and elsewhere who have Medium accounts. When I publish to my publication Everything Comes notice is given to those who follow EC.

My best news is that I am at the very beginning of success on Kindle.

I was able to Tweet this just now:

This cluster is all 99 cent books in the format I am now using. It is very simple and limits books to around 40 or so Kindle pages. Titles are generally one word. Covers are simple and standard. Everything I do is being put into this form.

I do not suggest that this will grow and grow. I hope it does. But this is progress as we speak.

Am I wrong?

I think our common future begins with the discovery to the messenger in us. It needs a strategy which ends up with a product that is for sale. It can take five years to move from the idea to execution. Life improves as the procedures become simple and satisfying. Our future is online. Our market is the world. We have no niche. We write as we like and trust it will please us in a day or a week. If it does not we redo. The nice thing about all this is we can do and do and do things until we succeed.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!