Here I Am

Expanding What Is Provable — Some Quantum Questions

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2018


Quantum turns everything on its head and then some. I do not have any expertise. But I know enough to be aware of its seismic implication.

That implication is that we are participants in reality. We do not merely observe what is happening. We also are part of it.

Our notions of truth and proof are firmly lodged in the materialist premise about reality. But what if quantum physics turns out to make it obvious that we can no longer live with that understanding?

It may mean the following:

Things we say constitute our experience are as provable as things that rise from today’s scientific method, which relies on tools regarded as solid and true.

Millions of human beings have experiences they swear to. These are events that influence them profoundly. They are as real as the flame of a burning match. Quantum allows for the creation of something from something that appears to be nothing.

Immediately the objection is raised that there is no proof — for example of extra sensory perception or near death experience or life after death. No there is no proof but one cannot easily dismiss experience that is so common. And oddly the math that underlies quantum thought is said to be flawless.

Let’s make this more obvious. The phenomenon of love is acknowledged as is the phenomenon of hate. Both are deeply experienced. We should subject all human experience intelligent investigation. Even when they point to what we cannot understand in materialistic terms.

Science is authoritative when it conform to ethical and aesthetic standards.

The binary, dualist, ethics-free mode underlies science that does not admit all of experience as its field of interest.

Logic tends toward good and love. Good and love should be the paramount subjects of scientific investigation. Along with all experience.


A progression for initial writing, posting, sharing and expanding, video creation. And at the end of the line, archiving of texts and monetization.

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Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!