
Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Feeling are the missing link to Consciousness

That overstates it but it’s largely so

Feelings rise as signs inside our minds

Ignoring them leaves thought with few objects


Thinking is the key to solving this

Thinking is awareness of what is

Feelings are the bulk of existence

Taking time to think makes mega-sense


Feelings set the table for what’s real

Thought’s first step is thus Reality

Negative feelings will need some work

Positive ones need positive response


So ethics (values) is our second step

What would it mean to tolerate our sign

What would it mean to be helpful

What would it mean to treat all equally


These ethics questions are quite blunt

They emphasize Jesus’ mentality

They say the future is what we decide

Better think than see freedom denied


Our third and final step is aesthetics

Beauty and truth cap every action

Beauty is non-punitive, courageous, free

Truth enables goodness to be real


Truth and beauty are both heights of Love

The heights of love are always infinite

We can’t be perfect but we can all try

That’s where Jesus said to set our sights


Feelings range from hot and red to yes just right

Heart and mind are always unified

All we need to do is be aware

Don’t suppress, use feelings, that’s true care



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!