Digital Art

Four values live within us now

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Four values live within us now. All four are universal. They help us decide all things. They are our rehearsal.

There’s tolerance to strengthen us. Helpfulness to direct us. And then the democracy that is in all. These add up to LOVE POWER.

Founded on non-idolatry. Leading to what is beyond all words, the true and beautiful, LOVE POWER.


We are one with consciousness. One with all creation. Values are our stage directions. They express our mission.

We are all to be forgivers. Lovers of our enemies. Students of LOVE POWER.

All that is good lives inside us. These values are prompts. They point us to what’s good and fair.


We are to make heaven here. That is done by our actions. Each of us a heaven-maker.

LOVE POWER is our energy. LOVE POWER is our mission. Infusing our conscious decisions.

These four values live in us. We cannot erase them. Best if we obey them.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!