Future Community

Future Fantasy #cybercommunities RESIDENCE

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


The truth of community is face to face closeness and a sense of being one with those you see. This does not mean, no it mandates, privacy and the right to total solitude. This should be visible in the design of communities. Each their own room, their own space. Communities build from the individual out, each person having a joy that can be shared with the whole. We will have this when we undergo the change that signals the meteoric rise of Love Power on our globe. It will be beautiful and true. A world designed to approach truth.

She only needs

a single space and

loves her privacy

No sound intrudes

She is at peace

One surface

is a screen

She has a little

place within

to pee and wash

her hands and feet

Outside a semi-public

space where needs

and neighbors meet

Ten sorts of meals

in a stone’s throw

Ten ways that one

can come and go

Ten jobs nearby

that she can choose

Ten spots at hand

where she can muse

She lives alone

but just today

she looks for a


Easily done

she soon finds one

and doubles

her nice space

Spaces are like

Rubic’s Cubes

They slip and slide


Within a frame

that will contain all


up and down

So residence is spaces

placed as needed

day by day

Within a matrix

that conducts

what comes and

goes away

And private

is what’s


And public

is what serves

the many roles

of neighborhood

the many

needs of all

Where do I live

Where is my home

It’s this community

My privacy

My face to face

My life beyond

All me



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!