Good Future Introduction

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
1 min readJan 16, 2016

From A GOOD FUTURE — Kindle edition by Stephen C. Rose KU KOLL Prime

This first-time collection gathers largely unknown and seminal works dealing with the near and far future. They are a brief for constructive, evolutionary change. They are not utopian. They assume an advance of reason. Cybercommunities examines basic income, universal local democracy and car-free communities. The text addresses dangers from crime, corruption and severe weather. The accompanying works on policy, design and ethics offer more food for thought. Particularly a great leap past 2000 years of “virtue ethics” to ethics based on scientific findings and universal values. They argue that we choose the future for good and ill. This book could only be done independently. Kindle is its home.

Please note this chart as it is essential to my argument.

I include it here just once but invite repeated readings as its premise, that we are individuals who make history, which is the sum of our actions. Inevitably we choose among a spectrum of values.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!