
Grass roots church organization

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
5 min readFeb 10, 2018





The triad for church organization is aimed at the practical conclusion of rendering the institution unnecessary. It consists of

Chaplaincy (worship, preaching, “priestly” functions).

Teaching (all educational efforts)

Abandonment (a broad effort to move away from “church programs” to the concept of promoting tolerance, helpfulness and democracy in the secular community).


Chaplaincy is the teaching of triadic discipline as outlined below:


Triadic Glossary is brief guide to the key terms that are used in Triadic Philosophy. These include root terms that are essential to the discipline of Triadic Thinking or Triadic Meditation. Each group of terms noted in the text is clearly designated and should in sum give the reader a clear understanding of what this is all about.







These three words are my Father, Son, Holy Spirit; thesis, antithesis, synthesis; ego, id, superego. Three words that convey a drift of thinking.

Triadic Philosophy is a teachable, doable exercise aimed at expression and action. It explicitly seeks on the basis of the terms it uses to set the stage for a more thoughtful and caring world.

It universalizes the teachings of Abba’s Way.



Reality the sign — whatever rises in us wherever we are, whoever, however.

Vagueness and the sum of all creation is known and unknown.

Your immediate concern.



Ethics — the challenge to us to be the best we can become.





This is the Ethics index of Triadic Philosophy. They are drawn from Abba’s Way.

These terms constitute together a viable basis for a universal ethic that all can and should to.

They are an answer to what goodness is like.


Goodness is like having the strength and flexibility to bear with oneself and others through the ups and downs of life — Tolerance.

Goodness is like extending oneself to others in two crucial ways — to share knowledge and assist in enabling progress in any and all ways. Helpfulness.

Goodness is standing up for the entire rainbow of rights which are given by the fact of existence to all. And ensuring that they are applied — Democracy.

Yes, goodness is these three things.


It rests on a fail-safe premise which Triadic Philosophy calls Non-idolatry. This is the hardest co communicate because it rests on the simple and summary word “No”. It is what is implied in the command to have no other gods. Triadic philosophy says this No rises at any point we feel our freedom is threatened — our choice endangered — our dignity imperiled. It says to the world that god alone is lord of conscience. That individual conscience is the final word — Non-idolatry.



Aesthetics — expression and action, all doing we do. I claim these terms are not untrue to what takes place in conscious minds.


Beauty-Truth is stated as one thing because Keats correctly noted that the two are indeed one. Thus, in stating this one might say silently “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.” Beauty Truth


Beauty Truth




This is a procession of terms in a suggested order. They are a sort of extended mantra.


Freedom is a clear and ringing statement of what it is that distinguished us as persons. It is our power to make choices. It is our capacity to select among options. No element of who we are is more essential to our capacity to function with the honor and dignity that should be the property of all. Freedom


Love is the energy we associate with heaven. It is the impulse to unification in every way. There lies its power and its perplexity. We are to breach our own boundaries and love is the energy that makes it possible. Love is demeaned when we allow it to be used to hurt and harm — and we do that both to ourselves and to others. It is not an accident that in this meditative sequence love lies between freedom and justice. In a hierarchy of how we are to live justice trumps love even though in its intended form love fuses with the highest which is goodness itself. Love


Justice would have no reason unless freedom allowed one to choose evil, creating an occasion for justice to be done. Justice is of paramount importance because as we live and breathe we are called to goodness and our failure to choose the good results in hurt and harm to ourselves and to others. Justice is like a sentry at the gate barring us from entering until it’s demands are satisfied. Entire religions have been based on what they say about the means by which justice can be achieved. In Triadic Philosophy justice should modify all considerations but finally forgiveness and the restitution that resides in genuine repentance holds sway if it is sought and appropriated. Justice

The triadic meditation or consideration or colloquy involves using these terms as an anchor

Beauty Truth




It may result in an ACTION or EXPRESSION or BOTH

This is the entire purpose of Triadic Philosophy. The achievement of a provable result.

It is a conscious, fallible, experimental movement toward habit formation or changes in behavior or anything you want it to be, large or small.





This is a mantra which can be used whenever caution is called for or for any other purpose.


Blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings on our way

This may be sung softly or silently as a blessing to particular, general or all.


Some sort of acknowledgment of the need for forgiveness which reality confers on those who express the need for this reciprocity. This can take up as much as half of the full discipline.

This is where my work leads and is the foundation text. But any similar expression will do.


‘Lord’s Prayer’

The central message is praying we be forgiven our wrongs as we do the same for others. We are agents of forgiveness. This is what Jesus may have been executed for, assuming we can forgive. It is the key to freedom.

This is a personal prayer, an act of daily self-renewal.


We are to be concerned for others of course. But the dominant view of prayer these days — I will pray for you — is pointless.

It may make us feel good, but it does not heal the object of the prayer. The thing that heals is our capacity to pray for ourselves. There is nothing stronger than our will allied to purposes that are decent and good. We can then become helpful to others, forgiving of others.

Praying heals ourselves of what ails us. There is no fail safe way to ensure our security, our longevity or even our next moment. But prayer for oneself is a gateway to consciousness and growth and spiritual maturity.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!